
On My Mind... *bytches, burlesque & baked goods*

I've spent the past week voraciously interviewing some incredibly interesting women who have been absolutely amazing --- each and every one!!!
Thank you, ladies!!!
Here are links to the lovely ladies who are currently "on my mind"...
(click on the highlighted word to follow the link)
* Carolina Smart of Shebytches.com & Lipstik Indie Reviews
* Sauci Calla Horra & Coco La Creme of Skintight Outta Sight Rebel Burlesque
* Laura-Jean Bernhardson of Freedom Clothing Collective & Fresh Baked Goods
* Jen Anisef of Toronto Craft Alert
* Sarah Campbell of The Rage
* Kelly Thornton of Nightwood Theatre
* and Rebecca Gallant and Sasha who I'll be hearing from in the next few days.
Check back soon to find out more about (& actually read) the interviews!
Rock on, funky people!
:) D. Cole
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