
Challening Reality: First Aid Kit heals my soul with their music

I’m that certain kind of person that sees a beautiful video and it can literally make me stop breathing.

This is one of those videos.


I feel like I’m watching an incredibly beautiful montage of a childhood we all deserve to have had, whether we actually did or not.

In case you don’t know,

First Aid Kit, who sings the song, is a pair of Swedish sisters who can craft the kind of music I imagine stands through eternity.

Am I getting a little heady? Perhaps to deep? Yup, maybe. But sometimes you find something that is just that wonderful and your excitement to share it can kind of get a little sentimental.

If you’re interested in another beautiful video by First Aid Kit, check out this video of them doing a cover of Fleet Foxes’ Tiger Mountain Peasant Song. Two young women singing alone with a guitar in a forest – this will show you that you don’t need fancy studio equipment to make beautiful music!

Rock on, funky people!
- D. Cole

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